Potter Wood
The KIA is raising funds to place a perpetual conservation easement on Potter Wood
to ensure its protection for future generations.
Click here to read a letter from our Board,
and click here to read the Narragansett Times article on the project.
*Click here to read a November 2019 update from the Narragansett Times!*
In addition to the Association's many active projects, the KIA is the owner and steward of important Village historic and recreational properties, including Potter Wood. In 1933, Mary LeMoine Potter gave 65 acres of meadow and woodland to the Kingston Improvement Association to be used for the sole pleasure and benefit of all the people of the Village of Kingston. Named Potter Memorial Wood, this land is cared for by KIA volunteers and remains open for passive recreation.
Following Potter's generous donation, hundreds of trees were planted by KIA volunteers, resulting in the wooded scenery enjoyed by visitors today. Comprising 65 acres, Potter Wood offers recreational facilities and opportunities year-round. The main park entrance is located on South Road approximately 1/2 mile south of the Village Well. (See map below.) A second entrance with limited parking is located on Biscuit City Road less than a 1/2 mile south of Kingstown Road.
The KIA is raising funds to place a perpetual conservation easement on Potter Wood to ensure its protection for future generations. Click here to read more about this important effort.
Your help is need to protect Potter Wood. Click here to donate today!
Do you want to help improve and protect Potter Woods? Click here to contact the KIA about volunteer opportunities.
Early photograph of Parkland Drive entrance to Potter Wood
Samuel Lester Damon and granddaughter Patricia Damon Barrett plant a tree in Potter Wood, 1933
Ice hockey in Potter Wood
Recreational Opportunities:
Picnic area with tables, benches, swing set, horseshoe pits
Walking trails and benches throughout the park
Baseball field (available for public use when not being used by South Kingstown Little League)
Basketball court
Bechtold Skating Shed and skating pond
Please help protect Potter Wood and yourself by observing the following rules:
Do not litter. (Trash and recycling receptacles available at South Road entrance.)
Pick up after pets.
No motorized vehicles.
No alcoholic beverages.
No hunting or trapping.
No fires.
Use Potter Wood at your own risk.
Watch your step! Poison ivy is present along some trails.
Deer ticks are present in Potter Wood.
Always check yourself and your pet carefully for ticks.
Please report any dangerous behavior to the
South Kingstown Police Department by dialing 911.
For maintenance or other non-emergency concerns,
please click here to contact the KIA.